Sunday, October 31, 2010

Life's Hardships Require Godly Patience

James 5 shows the rich Jews oppressing the Jewish Christians of the day by not paying them their wages leading to their deaths because they couldn't afford to provide basic necessities for their families....
***Just a Thought: The world would tell these Christians to take the matter into their own hands and fight back. But, we must remember that Godly wisdom stands completely in opposition to worldly wisdom! We know that, but look at our actions… Mark my words: The world will call us weak cowards. Look at Jesus’ reaction when headed to the cross, carrying the cross, and on the cross.
SILENCE—knowing that God would take care of it!

Arrogance and pride get in the way though…I’m sure this was a huge struggle for these Christians! “I deserve my wages at least.” The only thing we deserve is eternal death because of our sin. It’s only God’s grace that allows us to live, breath, earn money, and do everything else under the sun.

When will we stop just calling ourselves Christians and actually be labeled by others as FOLLOWERS OF JESUS?!!!?

As a follower of Jesus, BE PATIENT in life’s hardships and sufferings!

PATIENCE: 1. Wait on God (Goal: to become mature and complete in our faith)
2. Find Hope in Christ's Return (suffering is temporary)
3. Stand Firm (actively [not passively] wait seeking Christ through it all)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Health Fair Under the Bridge

Alrighty guys!
I am sure you have seen this on your calenders and because we all have read them throughly and now plan our lives by them I am sure (lol) I am going to let you know what you are getting yourself into.

On July 18th we are going to be going to the underpass of North Main and I-10 in Baytown to minister to the homeless and poor in our area. Bay Area homeless shelter will be assisting us through the entire thing.

The plan is to have multiple stations set up with things that they might not get alot of. Hair cuts, check ups from nurses, pedicures, supplies like toothpaste tooth brushes clothes toys etc., sack lunches,and just being there to listen.

This is where you guys come in. =o)

We'll need people to sign up saying that they are willing or have the skills to...

do haircuts-
wash feet (Jesus did it...)-
pass out clothes and toys-
donate clothes and toys-
make sack lunches-
do health check ups (if there is training)-
give a listening ear-

If you are interested in any of the things listed or have any other ideas just let me know!

I am really excited to see what all God is going to do through your willing hearts and hands.

Remember Matthew 9:36-37
"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. The he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful,but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Camp is officially less than a week away!!! I am not sure how excited you guys are, but I am extremely pumped! God is going to do some crazy things and in the process let us have a boat load of fun.

Here is the packing list for all of you who forgot to pick it up from the youth room, or conveniently didn't get it in the mail, or didn't answer your phones. You know who you are... =o)

2010 Journey Youth Camp
Highland Lakes
Packing List
**BIBLE** (Make sure your name is in it. If you forget everything else, you will be set with this.)
Note pad/ pen/ pencil
Bedding-- Sleepting bag/ sheets and blankets
Towels (Take note that it is plural. You may want one for waterfront AND one for your shower.)
Tennis Shoes
Play Clothes for recreation every day
**Shorts should be finger tip length (no soffes,no white or khaki colored shorts OR shirts. Most games involve water.)
Closed toed shoes required for Rec.
Clothes for nightly worship service (nice but casual clothes... nice shorts are allowed)
Swimsuit **NO two-pieces!!! Boys- They don't look good on you. Girls- Wear one-piece or
bring a DARK shirt to wear over**
Soap (Please bathe.)
**Deodorant** (Please... we beseech you.)
Medications (Must be turned in to Adult Leader who will turn them into Highland Lakes
medical staff)
Hat and sunglasses (So that you can look fashionable AND protect your skin)
Snacks (if you want them)
Money for snacks and souvenirs (optional)
Money for lunch on the way there AND on the way bakc. (optional... but you WILL get hungry)
As Many canned goods as possible for the Journey Camp Ministry (optional)
Paintball forms and money!!!
We are on the GREEN team with some other churches so bring a lot of GREEN so we can be a big support to the GREEN team!!!!!!!! Be creative with your GREEN but be appropriate!
NO CELL PHONES, Game systems, radios or other electronics
No weapons of ANY sort: knifes, guns,swords (besides the Bible), brass knuckles, etc.
Emergency Numbers:
Highland Lakes Camp (513)264-1777
Philip Lynch (guys leader) (409)673-0647
Kristi Simmons (girls leader) (281)352-8996
Brianna Edwards (girls leader) (832)399-6998

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's New With FHSM!?!

Well.... For starters, this is Brianna Edwards, the NEW youth intern for the summer. And might I say, I am pretty jazzed about getting to hang out with you guys this summer. It is going to be a crazy, wonderful, life changing, God moving kind of summer.

I have been praying for this youth group for quite some time now. And today marks the 1 week mark in my internship here. So if you have had some random girl calling/annoying you about camp, that was me. For those of you who are unaware, camp is less than a month away. We are going to Highland Lakes Baptist Encampment 30 miles outside of Austin. (I looked it up.) It is going to be an amazing experience, and for those of you who don't get to come with us, you should have picked up the phone. Just kidding. But seriously.

We have a Mission Trip to Elsa, Tx coming up as well as, pool parties, a Health Fair for homeless, ENCOUNTER (featuring an amazing band), a beach trip, hang outs, FREE FOOD, and basically a whole lot of fun.

Even though this summer is going to be packed with alot of fun, it is also going to be packed with life changing experiences. That is why I am here.

Let me share with you a little bit of why I felt called to coming back to Highlands this summer. God is going to move mountains. And He is going to do it through the youth! I am not sure if that pumps you up, but it definitely does for me. He has already started igniting hearts and the passions of this generation and He is not finished.

This summer is all about hearing the call, opening our eyes to those around us, and then using the gifts that God has given us to serve Him. We are called to step out in faith, so this summer, my challenge to youth and adults alike is to explore your comfort zone and then completely trash it. Break down those walls. Don't sit back and use the old excuses of I am too young, or old. Or am too young of a Christian. Or I don't do well meeting new people. Or whatever else we are clever enough to come up with. Those aren't scriptural and require way to much thought and time to think of.

This summer I pray that we all catch the disease of following Christ passionately.

Once again, I am so excited to get to be a part of this amazing Youth Ministry and I hope to meet and grow close to all of you this summer!

God Bless,

P.S.- A very colorful calender will be sent out very VERY soon.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is PRAYER?

PRAYER? That seems like such an intimidating word...but does it have to be? I hope you make time for ENCOUNTER over the next couple weeks as we will be digging into this idea of prayer and how it can change our lives! I hope to see you there.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sex Messages

Well it turns out that I can't post the messages from the last 2 weeks of ENCOUNTER on here (or at least I can't figure out how to do so). Current Message Series: "Sex and Things Related...God's Way!" Week 1--Dating Week 2--God's Word on Sex

Please email me to get a copy of the messages (parents, teenagers, or other adults are all welcome to inquire for a copy of the transcript from these messages). Email me at

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sex!...God's Way!

We just completed week 2 of our 3 week series on "Sex and Things Related...God's Way!" If you haven't been here make sure to catch this coming week of Encounter. We will send out our Africa Team with prayer and support, and we will wrap up our sex series as well as answer some of the questions posed by our teenagers this past week about sex.

The link to this past week's talk will be posted soon right here. Parents and teens please check it out!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010


These guys are crazy!!! Andrew and Nathan downed 2oz of Similac Go and Grow baby formula like it was no big deal. I can't even smell the stuff without almost throwing up much less drink it! Thanks guys for showing us all that you are real men--REAL MEN DRINK BABY FORMULA!