Saturday, November 14, 2009

Movie in the Park

I am so excited about Movie in the Park tonight. We are praying for God to use us however he wishes this evening to impact teenagers' lives for Jesus. I pray that you and I would be bold about talking to people about Jesus. Oh, and did I metion it is going to be a blast. Where else can you go see a movie outside on a 9' x 12' screen for free?!?!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So what kind of conversation do you picture a student minister having with students.  Prayer, encouragement, godly conversations....Well check out the conversation I just read a student minister had through text with a student.  Too funny!  (you know who you are)

Guy Student: I'll be praying for you!
Student Minister (SM): spank you very much mr. friend!
Guy Student: No problem! Spank you for spanking me! :D ha
SM: Dude ur gay!
Guy Student: your gay mann! hey i gotta go to bedd goodnight homo!!

Let me know what you think about this!!!  Just thought I would leave you all with something to chew on as I head off to Africa.  I am going to miss you guys.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ENCOUNTER in 45 minutes...heck yes...Please God come on us tonight, and let us experience you and whatever you want for us!!!! Hope to see you all here, friends!Girl of the Week--Allison...what an incredible girl with a great personality!!! if you don't know her, you are missing out on laugh after laugh. We are glad to have you around, Allison.
Dude of the Week--Just because it is Denton's 16th bday...yesterday! Happy bday! Thanks for doing life with us all. We love you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Just felt like it was finally time to share this with everyone.  By the way, this was supposed to be a DUDE trip.  I don't know what happened.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Progressive Youth Rally

This is going to be a great day of worship with loads of other teenagers from all over the Highlands and Baytown area.  Come join us as we travel to 3 different churches for food, fun, fellowship, meeting new friends, worship, and a free concert by Thalon.  All this for only $5 at the door when you get to FBCH.  We will start at FBC Highlands at 9:30am for breakfast and worship; then (@12pm) we will move to Second Baptist Baytown for lunch, awesome recreation, hanging out, and worship; last, we will travel to FBC Baytown (@5:30pm) for dinner, worship, and then a concert by an awesome band. Check them out @

We will be back to FBC Highlands at 11pm to go home.  Hope to see you there. You won't regret it!

Summer Xtreme

Summer Xtreme 2009 has come and gone.  It was a blast and we got to see God do incredible things in our midst as 3 teenagers gave their life to Christ during the week and now know God's salvation.  How cool!!!  Stay tuned for pics to be posted!  And of course, we had to bring Trash Can Relay back...what an awesome game!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

75!!! 75!!! 75!!! 75!!! 75!!!

Remember our GOAL for Youth Camp is to bring 75 students with us. We currently have 39 signed up. A long way off our mark, but if each of you bring one teenager with you there is no doubt we will get 75. Studies show that people make more decisions for Christ in their life at Christian camps than anywhere or anytime in their life. So let's pull together to reach our goal and pray that God will change lives! You can be a part of that...1st make sure you're signed up and paid $50 deposit....then go invite some friends!!!

RENT-A-CAMPER will begin this Sunday.

Pumped about camp,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Journey Youth Camp 2009 Student Registration Form

Click on the link in the right hand column to view the Student Registration Form. Please print it out and return it to Philip Lynch or First Baptist Highlands' main office (office hours: 8am-5pm, M-F) by June 21. Notice that all forms and camp balance are due by June 21, 2009. If you have questions please feel free to call Philip Lynch at 409-673-0647 (cell). I am pumped about camp and hope all of you and your friends plan to go!!! If you haven't invited someone yet, it's not too late. Help us reach our goal of 75 students. The deadline to sign up and pay the $50 deposit is June 7, and the cost now is $235. But, please do not let money keep you from going. We have a great church who supports our teens to get to just let Philip know in private and the money will be taken care of. This will be a week that you will not forget!

Friday, April 10, 2009

What If You Knew You Only Had One Month To Live? What Would Be Different About You?

Week 1: What Matters Most
"Live Like You're Dying"--you are not guaranteed tomorrow...James 4:14

*Make a list of everything you would do if you knew you only had one month to live

Week 2: Deepening the Relationships that Matter Most
"Love Like You've Been Forgiven"--God forgave us first through Jesus Christ

*Make a list of all of your FAULTS
*Make a list of the significant people in your life (those who you would want to spend time with if you only had one month to live)
*Be Characterized by Love
-Tell and show your love through SMALL ACTS

***Clean up any relationships that need cleaning (forgiveness is hard, but you can do it)
-Leave your ring, watch, or shoe on the opposite finger, wrist, or foot as you normally wear it until you talk in hopes to resolve the conflict

Week 3: Leaving a Legacy Mt 7:24-27
*Believe that you are capable of leaving a legacy.
-Are the things you're spending your time on legacy worthy?
*Turn "Someday" into Today
-Cast your legacy vision
-Commit to a legacy of faith
*Acknowledge God Everday

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One Month To Live!

I am super excited about the new series we are starting this Wednesday night at ENCOUNTER. Be sure you will leave with a unique, new perspective on life each week!!! So make plans to be here, and invite as many friends as possible for the next 3 weeks as we realize that we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

Also, remember this Sunday, March 29 is our church-wide Beautiful Feet project immediately after morning worship. We will be going out into our community to serve people in the name of Jesus. There is a spot for anyone interested! Be praying that God will use us in huge ways to lead people to his saving grace. Will you be a part of furthering the Gospel this weekend?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jamaica Beach Mission Trip

We will be going to Jamaica Beach, TX (on Galveston Island) on our mission trip this summer. June 14-19. There will be an important meeting this Sunday after morning worship in the gym...with lunch provided. I hope you make plans to go share the gospel of Jesus with us this summer.
Kid's VBS
Church Construction
Beach Reach
Teen Outreach

Friday, February 13, 2009

Treasures in Heaven

Man, are you serious that I should constantly be thinking about and living for God? I am sure some of you left feeling that way after this Wednesday. You see, we spoke about storing up treasures in heaven, but I dare say, some of you don't really know what heavenly treasures are. Or if you do, how do you go about getting them in your life? When we really fix our gaze on God alone; when we are determined to try to bring Him glory in EVERY single thing we ever do, He will develop in us that Kingdom mindset we talked about. So, do you have a Kindom mindset? When, someone in class makes fun of you, do you roll your eyes at them, make a rude comment back, or out of your Kingdom mindset do you think, "I need to go out of my way to show this guy/girl the love of Christ because I know he/she does not know Christ"? When you work really hard to earn some money, do you run off to buy that "thing" that you just have to have (that by the way, will get old and dingy and fade away over time), or out of your Kingdom mindset do you act on your thoughts about the family who has lost everything recently or about the families that are starving spiritually because they do not even have a Bible translated into their language? ( or straight to What does it mean to have a Kingdom mindset, to you? In America, myself included, we have too much "stuff" we cling to. When will we shift our lifestyles to storing up treasures in heaven and not treasures on this earth. It is our ACTIONS that show where our real treasure is and who or what we are really worshiping/serving in our lives.

Reread Matthew 6:19-24 everyday for 7 days and see what God does in your life!!!

Sorry, the videos have not been posted...I am working on it though.


Friday, January 30, 2009


DNow was chaos rolled up in a heavenly flour tortilla (the homemade kind). I know that makes no sense. But, throughout the busyness of the weekend God really did some cool things in our midst. To see you all reach the community in different ways through Random Acts of Kindness was humbling...especially to see a special guest come Saturday night. And, to hear and see you worship our Savior and lead others to the cross on Sunday literally took my breath away. I am pumped about the excitement and freshness God has brought to our church through DNow 09, and we are expecting a movement of God to continue. Will you join us in praying for this to truly be a movement of God in your life and other teenagers in our community?

Stay posted and check out the videos that will be up soon from DNow 2009!
I love you guys,

Sunday, January 11, 2009

DNow 2009 Registration Form due January 11

Click on the form to the left. Print it out. Fill it out and return it to Philip or Claudia in the office ASAP! You can call me (Philip) for questions or to work out getting the form to me: 409-673-0647

DNow 2009--"Revealed"

WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BLAST AND DISCUSS REAL QUESTION THAT YOU HAVE ABOUT THE BIBLE! The Bible doesn't have to be scary. Get registered for Disciple Now (DNow) and come learn how you can understand and be changed by God's Word. And, come have tons of fun with us as we go out into the community to serve others and to play a crazy, fun game. All this topped off with a great speaker and band who are geared to you as a teenager.