Friday, February 13, 2009

Treasures in Heaven

Man, are you serious that I should constantly be thinking about and living for God? I am sure some of you left feeling that way after this Wednesday. You see, we spoke about storing up treasures in heaven, but I dare say, some of you don't really know what heavenly treasures are. Or if you do, how do you go about getting them in your life? When we really fix our gaze on God alone; when we are determined to try to bring Him glory in EVERY single thing we ever do, He will develop in us that Kingdom mindset we talked about. So, do you have a Kindom mindset? When, someone in class makes fun of you, do you roll your eyes at them, make a rude comment back, or out of your Kingdom mindset do you think, "I need to go out of my way to show this guy/girl the love of Christ because I know he/she does not know Christ"? When you work really hard to earn some money, do you run off to buy that "thing" that you just have to have (that by the way, will get old and dingy and fade away over time), or out of your Kingdom mindset do you act on your thoughts about the family who has lost everything recently or about the families that are starving spiritually because they do not even have a Bible translated into their language? ( or straight to What does it mean to have a Kingdom mindset, to you? In America, myself included, we have too much "stuff" we cling to. When will we shift our lifestyles to storing up treasures in heaven and not treasures on this earth. It is our ACTIONS that show where our real treasure is and who or what we are really worshiping/serving in our lives.

Reread Matthew 6:19-24 everyday for 7 days and see what God does in your life!!!

Sorry, the videos have not been posted...I am working on it though.
