Tuesday, May 12, 2009

75!!! 75!!! 75!!! 75!!! 75!!!

Remember our GOAL for Youth Camp is to bring 75 students with us. We currently have 39 signed up. A long way off our mark, but if each of you bring one teenager with you there is no doubt we will get 75. Studies show that people make more decisions for Christ in their life at Christian camps than anywhere or anytime in their life. So let's pull together to reach our goal and pray that God will change lives! You can be a part of that...1st make sure you're signed up and paid $50 deposit....then go invite some friends!!!

RENT-A-CAMPER will begin this Sunday.

Pumped about camp,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Journey Youth Camp 2009 Student Registration Form

Click on the link in the right hand column to view the Student Registration Form. Please print it out and return it to Philip Lynch or First Baptist Highlands' main office (office hours: 8am-5pm, M-F) by June 21. Notice that all forms and camp balance are due by June 21, 2009. If you have questions please feel free to call Philip Lynch at 409-673-0647 (cell). I am pumped about camp and hope all of you and your friends plan to go!!! If you haven't invited someone yet, it's not too late. Help us reach our goal of 75 students. The deadline to sign up and pay the $50 deposit is June 7, and the cost now is $235. But, please do not let money keep you from going. We have a great church who supports our teens to get to camp...so just let Philip know in private and the money will be taken care of. This will be a week that you will not forget!